Upcoming Deadlines

The deadline to reserve an ad page for 8th grade students is Friday, October 8, 2021. All money is due at this time. Pictures and captions/quotes will be accepted until Friday, October 29, 2021. If you have questions please contact me at school or via Remind.
Wed Jul 21 05:38 PM
Alicia Allen
About me.....
Hello. Thank you for viewing my page. As a God-fearing wife, mother, and teacher I stand firm on God's word. I have been married to a wonderful man for 30 years. We have two awesome children, a great son-n-law, and two amazing grandsons. I love to squirrel, deer, turkey, and coon hunt with Joe and the kids. I also enjoy taking pictures. I have taken pictures of our kids, parties, weddings, basketball games and for the school yearbook.
Classes Taught
8th Grade U.S. History
6th Grade Geography
5th Grade Mathematics